Approaching technologies in the current educational context


Sonia Morejón Labrada, Centro de Estudios de Neurociencias y Procesamiento de Imágenes y Señales. Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Benjamín Leonardo Bestard Aroche, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Yanet Fong González, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Bárbara Romeu Chelsen, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; María Elena Sierra Sandoval, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Mirtha Idania Gil Rondón, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Alexandra Téllez Lageyre, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Rosa Lidia Martínez Cabrales, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Ángel Bravo Rodríguez, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Kenia Laurencio Rodríguez, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; María Elena Pardo Gómez, Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos Manuel F. Gran, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Karelia Nieto Carrión, Facultad de Telecomunicaciones Informática y Biomédica. Universidad de Oriente; Walfrido Camué Ortiz, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Rosa María Figueredo Rodríguez, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Diego Antonio Guerrero Alonso, Centro de Profesores Extremadura, España; Yor Alex Remond Recio, Universidad de Holguín, Cuba; Juan Santiago Ortíz Durán, Centro de Profesores Extremadura, España; Alejandro Peña Pardo, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Jorge Enrique Hernández Venzant, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Carlos Enrique Ramírez Martín, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Wilfredo Quiala Fonseca, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Milagros Hernández Martínez, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Rosario León Robaina, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Rebeca del Carmen Cintra Hernández, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Keren Esperanza Martínez Vigo, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Cristina Rodríguez Rodríguez, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba; Oscar García Fernández, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


Big Data, Internet de las Cosas, Realidad Virtual, Redes Sociales, tecnologías móviles, procesos educativos, socialización de experiencias, virtualización, procesos formativos, formación profesional, evaluación de la práctica laboral, superación de los docentes, enseñanza de la historia, proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje


This book is part of the incessant search of educators to broaden the horizon of teaching and pedagogy today, as part of the construction of the so-called emerging pedagogies, promoting the use of ICT in an innovative way in training processes. It is the result of the institutional project "Digital Ecosystem for management of the training process at the University of Oriente", it is basically structured in sixteen compiled articles that cover various topics from the introduction to disruptive technologies, Big Data, the Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, Social Networks and the use of mobile technologies in educational processes to the socialization of virtualization experiences in different training processes such as vocational training, evaluation of work practice, teacher training, teaching history, among other topics that account for the wide range of possibilities offered by technologies as allies of the teacher in the management of the teaching-learning process. In each one, an analysis of ICT and its use for learning in the context of the 21st century is carried out. Without a doubt, it constitutes an invaluable work available to educators and others interested in building a new way of teaching and educating.


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septiembre 25, 2024

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Physical Dimensions