News and curiosities of science in Santiago de Cuba


Giovanni L. Villalón-García
Universidad de Oriente


Santiago de Cuba, science, history of science and technology, Antonio Calvache Dorado, Juan María Ravelo Asencio, Enrique Hechavarría Vaillant, Luis Estruch Rancaño, Fernando Boytel Jambú, Miguel Ángel Matute Peña, Francisco Prat Puig, Manuel García Caluff, Rafael Duharte Jiménez, Juan Ventura Rams, Joel Reyes Domínguez, Nicasio Viñas Bayés, Miriam Cardonne Molina, Heriberto Cardoso Milanés, Enrique Garmury López, Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, Illnesses of José Martí, François Antomarchí, Johann Christoph Gundlach


News and curiosities of science in Santiago de Cuba is a work that pays tribute to Santiago de Cuba, the always "very noble and very loyal", and its native and adopted people from Santiago. The reading of the text takes place in four moments. The first, called Figures of the sciences. Milestones of his scientific performance. The second, dedicated to the first Doctors in Sciences of Cuba in their specialties. With the scientific literature from Santiago, the third part begins, while with other events in the history of science and technology in this city, it comes to an end. In this last part, seven collective, personal and institutional facts are compiled that have repercussions on the knowledge of people from Santiago.


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enero 16, 2016


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ISBN-13 (15)
