Ernesto Che Guevara in Santiago de Cuba: presence and thought
Ernesto Guevara, Santiago de Cuba, Universidad de OrienteSynopsis
This volume compiles testimonies of the impression caused by Che on those who had the honor of exchanging with him during his visits to the city of Santiago de Cuba between 1959 and 1964. In his busy schedule during those days, he participated in plenary sessions of the Ministry of Industries of the province, toured construction sites, industries, visited the Universidad de Oriente, gave speeches on important dates, inaugurated factories. It also includes articles by local researchers on his theoretical work, the speeches and interventions that he made in the Hero City, the reflection in the press of the time.
Transformaciones en Santiago de Cuba desde el triunfo de la Revolución hasta 1965
Presencia del Che en Santiago de Cuba. Cronología
Santiagueros hablan del Che. Testimonios
Ernesto Che Guevara: arquetipo de hombre nuevo. Vigencia de su ejemplo
La concepción guevariana sobre el hombre nuevo. Lo real y lo posible en la sociedad cubana actual
Ernesto Guevara acerca de la formación de los estudiantes universitarios
Ciencia y tecnología en Ernesto Guevara
Vigencia de las ideas del Che en la política exterior cubana actual
Reforma universitaria y revolución. Discurso del Che en la Universidad de Oriente
Che: la felicidad de luchar por las ideas
Discursos e intervenciones del Che en Santiago de Cuba
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