The rebellious hour of Baracoa


Wilkie Delgado Correa


Baracoa, Cuba, Ejército Rebelde, Revolución cubana, historia, historia de Cuba, Historia de Baracoa


This book constitutes a work of testimony that exposes milestones of revolutionary propaganda and the organization of the July 26 Revolutionary Movement, especially the role and content of the programming of the organization's radio organ. If the thematic contents addressed in this program are evaluated as a whole, its relevance can be seen in the situations that the country and the Revolution were experiencing, and the particular situation of transformations that the people of Baracoa were experiencing. To review these materials is to go back to that time and verify the validity of the guiding principles that guided political work since the triumph of the Revolution. Rescuing these documents for local and national history is of vital importance to preserve the memory of acts, facts, circumstances, ideas and projections that were and are the driving force of our social development and the construction of the freer and fairer society that characterizes to the Cuban Revolution.


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mayo 10, 2024


Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
