Universities and inclusive local development


Alicia de la Caridad Martínez Tena; Miriam Alpizar Santana; Maria Victoria Villavicencio Plasencia; Jennifer Hernández Delfino; Abel Enrique Gelabert Salcedo; Alba Lucero Márquez Mejía; Armando Paz Aguilera; Iliana Montero Cabrera; Dágmaris Fernández Barbán; Elieser Briso González; Alberto Díaz Díaz; Gerardo Ramírez Tamayo; Yaqueline Girón de Armas; Caridad Rosa Jiménez Morales; Victoria Margarita Villarreal Lesmes; María Paula Carrasco Zamora; Christian Rafael Ortiz Méndez; Yislenia Ricardo Pérez; Ana Cristina Sánchez Plana; Dayanis Castillo Suñol; Geiser Castillo Perozo; Niurka Dayanis Cuenca Ramos; Désirée Carrillo Valdivia; Edgar Sandoval Pérez; Ariagna Fernández Sanabia; Lizette de la Concepción Pérez Martínez; Nadia Barrabí Guardiola; Victoria López Del Toro; Carlos Albenis Rodríguez Fernández; Danigsia Larrondo Chacón; Roberto Velázquez Soler; Olgalin Arebalo Silvera; Mindra Arévalo Zurita; Elpidio Expósito García; Iraida Apés Arévalo; Irene Ortiz Sánchez; Ana Laura Painceira Pacheco; José Juan Puente Hernández; Carlos Ariel Abreu Cordero; Lilianne Quintana Camacho; Alina Peña García; Lourdes Lizandra Toledo Rodríguez; Tanya Zorrilla Cuevas; Yanelys Taset Alvarez; Alisa Natividad Delgado Tornés; Yaritza Tissert Debrosse; Gertrudis Reyes Sánchez; Arelys Rodríguez Mestre; Yoel Ernesto Montoya Martínez; Miyenis Rodríguez Tamayo; Yaumara Rodríguez Díaz; Rosario León Robaina; Odalis Guillot Téllez; Gloria Vargas Medina; Ana Isabel Balmaseda Alvarez; Katiuska López López; Lien Serrano Mulet; May Yudith Serrano Mulet; Tiago Caungo Mutombo; Soraya Victoria Samada Durán; Rubí Alvarez Márquez; Sonia Vidal Trimiño; Alejandra Lilí Torres Jiménez; Ledianis Villalón Quintana; Yamicel Fuentes Bravo; William Ortiz Domínguez; Geovanni Villalón García


desarrollo local, políticas públicas, proyección local, relaciones Universidad-Sociedad


Within the framework of the celebration of the III Science and Consciousness Convention of the University of Oriente, space is opened for the Symposium “Universities and inclusive local development”, whose theme has been accompanying the University of Oriente, Cuba, since 2011, with the creation of the Local Development Network. The experiences and knowledge built allow us to state objectives aimed at the socialization of practices that reveal synergies and alliances with the actors of the territories where the University takes place. The articles that are part of this book, diverse from the geographical origins of their authors and plural from the worldviews of the analyzes and proposals, confirm the increasing role of universities in development processes where the micro scale favors the elaboration of proposals aimed at improving public policies.

ISBN 978-959-207-722-5

ISBN COMPLETE WORK 978-959-207-713-3


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noviembre 1, 2023

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