Recognition of the Santiago teaching profession: Tribute to Juan Bautista Sagarra Blez


Irela Margarita Paz Domínguez
Graciela Ramos Romero
Maribel Asín Cala


personalidad histórica, historia de la pedagogía, pedagogos cubanos


This book brings us closer, in a pleasant and instructive way, to an exceptional teacher, to the work of an important pedagogical institution and to outstanding educators. We are in the presence of valuable bibliographic material that pays tribute to the development of education in our country, specifically in Santiago de Cuba, and that from reading its first lines encourages us to seek an answer to the question: Why does Juan Bautista Sagarra Blez occupy such an important place? The coherence in the authors' discourse and their scientific-methodological preparation turns the search into a historical-pedagogical enjoyment.

ISBN 978-959-207-737-9


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noviembre 2, 2023
